These super easy ‘no food processor required’ Milk Boosting Energy Bites just require a mixing bowl and a little elbow grease!

Gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan and packed full of milk boosting goodness. 

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2 cups Rolled Oats

1/4 cup ground Flaxseeds

1/4 cup Hemp or Sesame Seeds (or combination of both)

3 tbsp Nutritional Yeast

1 cup Smooth Nut Butter

1/2 cup Honey, Agave Nectar or Rice Malt Syrup

1/3 cup Shredded Coconut

3 tbsp Vanilla Protein Powder

2 tbsp Coconut Oil

1/2 cup Cacao Nibs or Sultanas (optional)

Almond Meal (optional)


It is soo easy during the precious postpartum period to fall into the trap of thinking that you need to snap back to your pre-pregnancy weight. But the fact is, postpartum people, require additional calories to keep up their energy for milk production.

These handy little Milk Boosting Energy Bites are choc-full of lactogenic goodness. So not only do they give you a great hit of energy, but they contain heaps of ingredients known to promote milk production. Win-win!

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