This delicious smoothie is jam-packed with delicious milk-boosting goodness! Perfect for all of those boobin’ parents wanting to keep their milk flowing.

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1 cup Almond Milk or Almond Mylk Base (follow directions on packet)

1/2 ripe Avocado

2 tbsp Vanilla Protein Powder

3 Soft Medjool Dates

2 large handfuls Spinach

1 cup Frozen Fruit (Berries or Banana are my favourites)

Handful of ice

Optional Toppings

2 tsp Hemp Seeds

2 tsp ground Flaxseeds

2 tsp Cacao Nibs


Place all ingredients in a strong blender and blitz until smooth.

Pour into a tall glass and enjoy as is, or pour into a bowl and top with optional toppings.

Either way, this is a yummy breakfast or refreshing snack.

For anyone hoping to nurse their baby, there is always a little niggle of fear that their milk supply may not be enough to satisfy bub. While nursing on demand and lots of skin to skin should be enough to ensure an adequate supply adding some lactogenic foods to the diet can’t hurt…right?

Well, this smoothie is perfect for anyone boobin’ and wanting to tick all the boxes for keeping their milk flowing.

Advocado = Nutritional Powerhouse! 80% good fats to maintain that feeling of fullness

Green Leafy Veg = Full of phytoestrogens and rich in iron, calcium, folate, and vitamin K – all support lactation.

Nuts = Packed with healthy fats and antioxidants, perfect for giving your milk a boost

Seeds (especially Flax, Hemp and Sesame) = Packed full of phytoestrogens to help with milk production as well as being jam-packed with other essential nutrients

Dates = High in antioxidants and boost prolactin production which is needed for milk production.

Cacao Nibs = High in healthy fats and other compounds that can increase the levels of the hormones serotonin and dopamine. High in fibre to promote healthy digestion.

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